Friday, October 12, 2007

I've been helping independent Christian musicians in their missions since 1996, over 10 years! I've always had an independent spirit, some will say I'm a bit of a rebel, a renegade, a loner, driven, even prideful. Well, no wonder! Those are some of the attributes the majority of independent, entrepreneurial people possess.

The term "indie" has changed over the years, especially since the recording industry has been changing so drastically recently. Indie used to mean alternative, underground, even inferior. For bands and artists who desired a record deal, indie meant the curse of death.

Things are definitely changing. Artists who used to be big dogs on record labels are leaving them and returning to their independent roots. Switchfoot recently left their label and are now indie. Mainstream artists like Prince, Radiohead, Trent Reznor, and many others are saying bye-bye to their corporate leashes and going at it on their own. Just recently, Radiohead released a new multi-song compilation CD and offered it to their fans on their own website for whatever the fan wanted to pay for it. They had over 1.2 MILLION downloads the very first day, and their server crashed.

I know this is not applicable to the majority of emerging indie artists, but lets face it, the tide is turning and the indie uprising has begun! Artists are now able to reach fans and consumers directly, and distribute their music without all the red tape and control of a record label. The old stadium is crumbling, and a new one is being built. This should make new artists very excited!

My friend, Bob Baker, who is a well known mainstream indie music guru has an excellent description of the term, "indie." Take a read of Bob's description.

The best way to explain my angle on this is to use an acronym. So here's my definition of I-N-D-I-E, with every letter standing for a separate concept (and I didn't even use the word "independent," which was tempting considering I had two I's to work with).

I - Inspired
To embrace the indie frame of mind, you must be inspired. You have to know in your gut that music is what you are meant to do. You must become energized when writing, recording and performing your music. Hopefully, this is something you already experience fully, without having to force yourself to feel that way. When this kind of natural inspiration comes over you, it's a sure sign that you're on the right path. And you will need this desire to carry you through the ups and downs of pursuing the independent music path.

N - Nontraditional
Indie musicians don't mind learning about what has come before, and they are happy to listen to the "rules" that others say are required to have a successful music career. However, the smartest indie artists keep their minds flexible and constantly ask questions about how the supposed "rules" of the past really apply to them. They actually develop a mindset that seeks out the road less traveled. And when they spot a good idea that's off the traditional path, they fearlessly go after it without apologies.

D - Determined
Successful indie artists are fixated on their goals and determined to reach them. They still leave room to veer from the original plan, when needed, but they are steadfast in their desire to produce more and better music, reach more fans, sell more CDs, etc. With this attitude, obstacles become short-term learning experiences along the road to higher levels of success.

I - Innovative
Being an indie means thinking outside of the proverbial box and looking at fresh opportunities from every angle. It means not promoting yourself the same way a thousand other acts have done it. It means being resistant to knee-jerk marketing tactics and open to new ideas and overlooked avenues for exposure.

E - Empowered
Indie musicians don't wait for someone or something else to come along and rescue them. They don't pray for a "lucky break" or to "be discovered." They know to the core that the power to succeed with their music resides inside of them. And they understand that it's their mission to tap into that personal power and use it to share their music with the world.

Visit Bob's Buzz Factor website at:

Bob really hits the nail on the head. However, I still run into Christian indie artists who beg, plead and practically prostrate themselves to find someone to rescue them. I see artists with entitlement attitudes, who get angry at you if you don't drop everything to help them become better known. I recently had one artist lambaste me because I asked him what's in it for anyone if they help them. This artist could not understand that people have lives, work, careers, family, and they can't just stop their lives so they can get someone's attention at a record label.

Some think since god called them, and that god is on their side that things should just happen for them, or people should help them for nothing, and promotion should be free. I call this a "lifesaver" mentality. They spend their days copying and pasting their information on as many "friends" pages as possible, hoping someone will give them something that will save them.

This is a defeatist mentality, because they are believing they need someone or something to get them to wherever or whatever they think they have in mind. Many have no real plan, many have no idea what they are doing. It's sad to me that these artists are adrift in a sea of mediocrity.

It goes back to the "bigger is better" mentality I see out there in "indie-land." Many spend their time trying to get better known, working at being exposed, but what they do not realize is their content is inferior and all they are doing is letting the world know how mediocre they are faster.

I encourage all indie artists to embrace your independence. Take what Bob has shared and get it ingrained in your spirit. You can do it, it can be mission possible! However, it doesn't mean go at it all by yourself. I believe it is important to get involved with an artist community that will speak the truth about life, and the pursuit of the indie mission. Lone Rangers usually do not succeed. When you have Tonto's in your life, you have the wisdom and council of others. That is invaluable!

There is another acronym out there, D.I.Y. It stands for "Do It Yourself." I think it's better to "Do It Together." It gets back to the value of community. Indie artists face a myriad of challenges and tribulations in their desire to "make it." Going at it alone is almost certainly going to be overwhelming and lead to failure. The enemy attacks and sends arrows of rejection and bullets of disappointment. When indie artists come together, those arrows and bullets are less likely to hit their targets.

I moderate an incredible indie musician community at: The Indieheaven Network. I encourage you to check it out and see what is happening there. God is really moving in our midst and artists are praying for one another, gig sharing, and helping one another succeed, imagine that!

Also, make time next March 26-29, 2008 to attend our next Christian Independent Alliance conference in Franklin, TN. It's our 5th one, and its a great time to meet other artists, learn from excellent teachers like Bob Baker and many others. Bob will be there, plus many other indie minded people! Check it out at: CIA We hope to see you there!
Keith Mohr

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